“KOSM PLATAFORM” in a brand from now on “KOSM”, the courses and classes, digital material, templates and videos taught by the teachers, have been developed for their exclusive use and exercise within the CLASSROOM by the authors in accordance with Royal Decree- Law 24/2021 on intellectual property, reserving all rights. KOSM is a platform connecting registered users for educational interactions only. The users of the platform act on their behalf and are responsible for their behavior as contractors from now on “STUDENTS”. In case of being a minor under 18 years of age, the responsible guardian must register and indicate it. Instructors and professors are independent of KOSM, there being no dependency relationship with it, being an educational and recreational nexus, offering spaces to STUDENTS. KOSM is intended for the use of the STUDENT who, once registered, will enter the space for its use,  https://……………com/, from now on “CLASSWORK”. In order to provide information to STUDENTS, the material may be downloaded for use, study and testing, without profit and/or reproduction to third parties.is understood as “MATERIAL” all the editable templates, manuals, practical guides, videos that are available from the AULA platform. All intellectual material shared by KOSM is exclusively its own authorship, and its reproduction and/or publication in any medium, whether physical and/or digital, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express authorization of the representative, Wesley Case.
We welcome you, we are your quality educational tool, ideal for the growth and development of your children and/or students.

1.- Registration for the services and/or exercises of the AULA.

1.1.- The following terms and conditions are subject to occasional changes and apply to all services that KOSM provides directly through the AULA, which can be used on computers, notebooks, mobile devices, smartphones or any device that uses an Internet connection. the platform provided.-
1.2.- To access the service you must create your User, completing the STUDENT data form:
  • Username/Real Name;
  • Password (created for the user);
  • Email;
  • Telephone / Cell (optional);
  • City;
Or you can select to log in with your Facebook and/or Gmail account, accepting that said data will be used to register your user and account under cookie policies Law 34/2002. The data provided will be used for the sole purpose of registering KOSM, it will not be provided to any other user or company. They will only be able to eventually receive news from the page in their email.  
1.3.- By creating their account, the STUDENT confirms that they have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions, selected means of notification, type of publication allowed, scope of the same and confidentiality of the service, therefore, this document constitutes a legal agreement between KOSM and the STUDENT. If for any reason you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions of this document, the STUDENT has the option of not providing the required information. In this case, you will not be able to generate a login whose requirement is mandatory for access to educational tools and guides, exercises, videos, courses and/or classes.-
1.4.- These terms and conditions will be applied when the STUDENT enrolls in any of the services provided by KOSM in the AULA. STUDENTS can download the current terms and conditions and print them whenever they want.

2.- Payments and subscriptions.

2.1.- The services and tools offered by KOSM are not free, they have an informed value in ……… at the beginning of the contract. It is non-refundable, so we suggest you answer all your questions before starting the activities in our space.

2.2.- Means of Payment: payments must be made by credit and/or debit card, Pay Pal, ……, being the means enabled by KOSM. Proof of payment will be issued in favor of the STUDENT who has completed the registration form. Kosm is not responsible for any additional fees required by the third-party payment methods chosen by the STUDENT.

2.3.- KOSM will not respond for any reason, cause, reason unrelated to the web in the event that the STUDENT cannot continue with the activities, tasks, classes and/or any other contracted service. Said motivations will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

3.- Services and conditions.

3.1.- “KOSM” offers STUDENTS the possibility of enrolling in synchronous and always virtual through the use of the platform on its website or via email by sending support material. To use the service, the STUDENT must enter the platform, using a LOGIN, according to section 1.-, providing the required information in a truthful, complete and precise manner, or they can view it from their personal email.

3.2.- Cancellation and rescheduling policy: lessons can be canceled or rescheduled 24 hours before the lesson time. Lessons canceled before 24 hours will be refunded. Teachers will be entitled to full payment for missed lessons without cancellation or rescheduling requests prior to the required 24 hours.
3.3.- For the purposes of using this platform, the total or partial reproduction of the content published and reproduced on it is expressly PROHIBITED, by any type of means unless expressly authorized to the contrary. Being all the rights protected by Royal Decree-Law 24/2021, being subject to criminal and civil actions that are determined therein.
The STUDENT and/or tutor will be solely responsible for access to the platform and the coordinated schedule for their CLASSROOM. Consequently, the STUDENT agrees to use them under the terms and conditions set forth herein by KOSM, being liable for actions for damages or losses that may be caused.
Likewise, in the event of detecting any action contrary to morality, uses and good customs in accordance with local legislation (EU), KOSM may eliminate and block access to the platform and channels available to the STUDENT who has transgressed said implicit rules in this agreement.
3.4.- Identification: It is prohibited to access the registry using a false, erroneous, non-existent name, username, password or email address or one of which the STUDENT is not the owner.
3.5.- The provision of the data required in order to attend the tools and guides, courses, videos, activities and/or classes will be in the nature of an affidavit, so they must be provided by the STUDENT in a true, complete and accurate. In this sense, the STUDENT guarantees to KOSM that: (i) that the data provided is correct, complete and that it has been supplied without falsifying any data; (ii) will hold KOSM harmless from the consequences of any claim that it may receive from any third party in relation to or due to such data; (iii) is the sole and exclusive party responsible for the child’s data provided to generate their curriculum and/or pedagogical guide; and (iv) KOSM is not responsible for all the data that is entered into its platform, as long as they do not violate the rules of use and good customs stated here. Otherwise, in the face of any abuse and/or inappropriate use of the services published in and by KOSM, it will unilaterally block the STUDENT. –
3.6.- STUDENTS will have the following services at their disposal: personalized pedagogical activities guide, classes, courses, videos with tasks based on educational activities and those that are requested adapted to the STUDENT’s demand or in the future are advertised on https://……………..com/,  for all public.

4.- Obligations of the STUDENTS.

4.1.- It is expressly prohibited and without any exception that the STUDENT requests sums of money and/or any other type of reward and/or transaction of pecuniary value for sharing and/or reproducing the material provided by KOSM. In any case, any act in this sense is presumed prohibited. KOSM does not have offices, branches and/or other media other than those advertised on https://………com/, the exclusive property of its owner Wesley Case.

4.2.- It is expressly prohibited and without exception for the STUDENT to use the material, the platform and the communication channels (youtube, Instagram, whastapp and/or those that replace them in the future) for a purpose other than that indicated in the section 1.- Any use outside the specific purpose will be reported by KOSM. Therefore, in accordance with current intellectual property legislation, KOSM reserves the right of admission of STUDENTS and to initiate the pertinent legal actions in the event that damage is caused to the material, to the platform, communication channels and/or to third parties through her.

5.- Obligations of Professors and/or Instructors.

5.1.-Teachers and/or Instructors do not have a direct employment relationship with KOSM, being individually and autonomously responsible for the quality and pedagogical model used, and may be evaluated by KOSM. Teachers and/or Instructors must behave professionally, including courtesy and cultural sensitivity, at all times, under penalty of being automatically and unilaterally blocked by KOSM.
5.2.- Teachers may not promote businesses or services that are run outside of KOSM, nor accept money or conduct business of any kind on behalf of KOSM outside of the platform.
5.3.- Teachers are responsible for all their tax obligations in their country of residence, KOSM being exempt from any type of payment and/or tax for their professional activity.
5.4.- For the purposes of security and evaluation, KOSM may make use of the information of the Professor and/or Instructor for verifications of academic and/or employment records.
5.5.- The obligation of the Professor and/or Instructor to immediately inform the STUDENT and/or TUTOR, if applicable, when for reasons of force majeure they cannot attend the lesson with a clear explanation and as far in advance as possible. In the same way, you must communicate it to Customer Service by email: ………………… in order to be aware of the situation.

6.- Termination.

6.1.- KOSM reserves the right to limit access to the STUDENT AND/OR Teacher and/or Instructor who transgresses any of the rules mentioned here. In the event that it is made known that a member is making inappropriate use of the platform, website, material and/or communication channels, they may withdraw access to the STUDENT and delete their registration within a week after receiving the notification. information. The STUDENT may also cancel their own access and registration within the same term. The foregoing will not affect the right to immediate termination for a unilaterally justified cause by KOSM. We understand that the site is a space designed for a better quality of life for the family and their children, the well-being and good treatment will be prioritized under all circumstances.
6.2.- The fees paid by the STUDENT that were blocked due to their exclusive responsibility, will not be entitled to a refund.

7.- Use of Data and Information.

In order to provide the services KOSM will require the following forms to be completed:
  • Contact form, where the STUDENT must fill in the field of email, subject and name.
  • Subscription form, the STUDENT filling in the necessary fields to identify the services that suit their needs and those of the child they wish to accompany.
  • Sales form, the STUDENT filling in the necessary fields for proof of payment with the fields of name, email, address and ID.
  • Tracking cookies, according to the following rules
  • Browsing and IP Address: When browsing this website, the user automatically provides the web server with information regarding your IP address, date and time of access, the hyperlink that has been forwarded to them, your operating system and browser used.
Despite the foregoing, users may unsubscribe at any time from the services provided by KOSM or data provided by the STUDENT, in compliance with current regulations on Data Protection.
The information of our users is protected in accordance with our privacy policy and cookies policy. By activating a subscription, contact form or comment, the STUDENT understands and accepts that: From the moment they subscribe or access a paid service, KOSM has access to: Name, and email, or other necessary data forming a file with the name of “STUDENTS and subscribers”, having access to data of name, surname, email, ID and full address. In any case, KOSM reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website as well as this legal notice.


8.1.- The User may carry out the activities of the services provided by KOSM in accordance with the terms set forth herein. The User will be solely responsible for access to the platform and use of the material with his login. Consequently, the STUDENT undertakes to hold KOSM fully harmless for any damage or harm suffered in relation to the improper use of the shared material that is carried out outside the conditions set forth herein, as well as against any claim (judicial or extrajudicial, individual or collective) that it could receive.
8.2.- In the face of any situation not regulated in this present KOSM has the last word regarding any dispute between students and teachers. Being able to unilaterally terminate the link of any of them, without reimbursement and / or compensation, in case of detecting any violation of this contract.
8.3.- The signing of the present implies the acceptance and knowledge of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the use of the platform, web, courses, classes and material of KOSM. In case of detecting policies contrary to the terms and conditions established here, KOSM may block the user unilaterally without prior notice.-
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